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Wardrobe check
Instead of proving the cliché right that women without exception always whine of having nothing to wear (although most of their wardrobes are overstuffed), let’s get organized and if said cliché turns out to be true after all, we have the perfect excuse to do something about it and GO SHOPPING!

Get started on a day when you have about your average weight (meaning not straight after the holidays) by opening all wardrobes simultaneously and throwing out everything that doesn’t fit or hasn’t been worn during the last two years – of course if you have been posted in the Caribbean during this crucial time span of two years, you may still keep your cashmere collection but otherwise very few excuses will count!

I do understand the painfulness of this process since I too am very attached to ALL my clothes. So I found a system: I created a ‘memory-lane-bag’ (admittedly a quite big one) which can hold everything that I don’t wear anymore but has sentimental value like my toe shoes, the outfit I wore when I first met my husband, etc. But this particular bag is the limit, when it’s full, that’s it! Also one outfit ‘for when I finally get around to paint the apartment’ is usually sufficient and can be used also for the purpose of cleaning out the attic, dying hair, etc just as well!

Another thing for the never worn/ill fitting stuff I find quite helpful during the cleaning out process is, to keep all my girlfriends in mind. Sometimes I bought stuff in a color I never ended up wearing (usually been talked into by a pushy shop girl) but it might go swell with one of their complexions so I just pass it on, said friend is happy with the freebee, and I didn’t have to throw away anything! Things that are still in good shape and don’t find a new home with any of my girlfriends I deposit in clothes collection containers. At least that way they will go to Charity shops or the needy.

While I already have everything out in the open I make sure that the items that are allowed back to stay in my wardrobe are well folded and color-coordinated. This way I know exactly what I have and where it’s to be found in a hurry. Dressing takes up only a fraction of the time that it would, had I first to go send out the search squad for half of my belongings to re-surface again!

The more things you call your own, the more important is a well organized storage system! One magic little helper are nice boxes :o) All my scarves, pashminas, belts, etc go into them and are well labeled. My shoes stay in their original boxes and get a portrait of themselves put in the front – this way you can store them on top of each other (AND one shelf alone provides housing for in-numerous pairs!) and they don’t get dusty. My friends always admire my tidiness – but to be perfectly honest, it’s just that I’m too lazy to search!!!

While at it, in the same process I put aside everything that needs fixing (buttons, hems, snags, etc somehow have a life of their own and want attention from time to time) – which is another chore that I tell myself needs to be ticked off the list before the well deserved shopping spree can begin.

posted by CAT ANGELINA | 17:27 | fashioncoach

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Vacation in nice Nice 

Every cat should have a dog :o) 


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