My Home is my Castle :o)
Here is a virtual tour through my home in Vienna ... picture above shows the front of the house
Original Art Nouveau tiles in the staircase
Going through to the dining room/office
My living room
Since I don't like technical things lurking around I covered my TV with red velvet ;o)
This tiny kitchen is the perfect excuse not to cook but go out ;o) Who has space to prepare a meal in this small space, I ask of you?!
This is where sleeping beauty takes her rest ...
... protected by angels :o9
My dressing room in a royal mess ... not too unusual a state for it, I have to confess!
Ivy & crystal in every room
Part of my bathroom
And this is how it all started:
Together with my dear friend Petra we designed all the 'frosting' for the windows, mirrors and the stencils for the ivy arches over some of the door frames and curtain boxes ...
The first two green layers were spunched ...
... but the veins painted by hand and then adorned with thousands of crystals
Sisi in the window of my dressing room ...
... and life size (1,72 m) on the wall :o)
Some of my paint jobs ... I don't like dark furniture so I have no scruples also painting over turn of the century items!
Every time I go to Vienna, I say to myself that this time round I'll only relax and do nothing except meet my friends but creativity always gets the better of me and I always find new projects ;O)