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Shoes, shoes, shoes …
Like every fahionista I don’t only enjoy shopping tremendously but I’m especially crazy about shoes. They are like jewelry for your feet. Since my feet are quite an ugly pair, a bit distorted by toe shoes and dancing, making them wide as long, I feel they are even more entitled to be spoiled in exquisite shoes to make up for their lack in physical beauty. That’s at least my excuse for extensive shoe shopping and I’m sticking to it – if this excuse also works for you consider it yours ;o)
The latest since Nadja Auermann ended up in ‘The Guinness Book of Records’ for her amazing legs we’re very much aware of the fact that a woman’s legs can never be too long, ergo wearing heels is always a good idea – mind you, as long as you know how to walk in them – looking like a stork is not the desired effect we’re aiming for! If you feel this last sentence to be a bit discouraging, let me tell you my story on starting off on heels and you’ll know you can make it just as well!
Having grown up mostly in ballerinas I got my first pair of 6 cm heels - which then to me was neck-breakingly high and I now consider ‘flat’ - when I started my dance training since they were required for ballroom dancing. My grandmother got me this pair of really nice T-straps and even embellished them for me with lots of crystals. I was thrilled about their beauty but at the same time felt quite disheartened since I couldn’t possibly walk in them! So I started practicing by hiking up and down the staircase in them since this was the only place where I had two rails available on either side to hold on to … I thought I would never ever make it.
So the first time I took my new proud possession to training I put them on and was so engrossed in the new routing I was taught that I completely forgot I was wearing heels. I had no problem dancing in them whatsoever! Only once I left the dance floor and had nothing else to concentrate on but my new shoes, I stumbled to the changing room … I could dance before I could walk – and this was just because I was concentrating way too much on the fact that I was wearing heels when my mind was free to think about this fact ;o)
So my advice for heels and shoes in general is:
  • The higher the better as long as you can comfortably walk in them! It looks absolutely hideous to see women in beautiful outfits sporting the latest pair of Louboutins (ahhhh, how nice …. dream …) clutching the arm of their escort so tightly that his face turns blue!
  • Stop thinking about wearing heels and just walk – it really is as easy as that ;o) If you’re doubtful, this won’t work so start getting used to the idea of altitude with lower and sturdier heels.
  • Balance your weight on the middle of your foot just as you naturally do when you’re wearing flats.
  • Even if most orthopedics will disagree with me I think heels are good for you since they improve your posture by walking much more upright!
  • Bedides  feminists many achievements they should also do something more practical and get cobble stones removed from at least major capital cities till that is put into action I suggest for a good, long stroll you should chose heels with a thicker heel then pencil thin so you don’t have to worry about ruining them and can concentrate on the important things in life like shop windows ;o)
  • Shoes can make or break an outfit – even simply jeans and t-shirt can look very sophisticated, expensive and glam with a cool pair of heels so they’re always a good investment – another excuse of mine for excessive shoe shopping which you’re also welcome to borrow :o)
  • Since I consider shoes the jewelry of my feet I feel they deserve to be treated with dignity ergo I store them in their original boxes with their portrait on the front. This has the advantage that they’re well protected from dust, you find them in a heartbeat and you can store many more on one single shelf! Naturally I clean them regularly and also the ones that I don’t wear so often get a moisturizing treat every season so the leather doesn’t start breaking.
  • In order to avoid bankruptcy through my expensive hobby of collecting designer shoes I also get some on eBay from my favorite online shop: http://www.rueschen-prinzessin.de :o) It is owned by Conny Augustin, a German lady who is incredibly sweet, her stock is exquisite, brand new & original (of course) & beautifully packed. If things don’t fit there is no problem in retuning them and getting your money back or credited if you wish so.
  •  Husbands really do get used to the idea of your essential need for hundreds of pairs of shoes, believe me, at some point the ever questioning phrase of ‘Darling, do you really need another pair?’ will eventually stop, just don’t give in before that happens! ;o)
P.S. For all of you who loooooove superhigh but compfy heels as well: I have discoverd something new:

posted by CAT ANGELINA | 13:05 | fashioncoach

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[ Posted by Kim, April 15, 2010 6:24 ]
     Thanks Cat; now all I want to do at the moment is go buy a pair of shoes! Dan will be so pleased. lol The older I get, the more particular my feel get when it comes to shoes; they demand comfort now days. Instead of wearing any ol' cute inexpensive high heeled shoe, I now have to splurge on the designer shoes when purchasing high heels. What a girl has to endure just for comfort and beauty :)

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