50 and fabulous!
In the process of expanding my network on Facebook I was lucky to find a great new friend through a mutual one. She has such positive energy that it jumps right off my computer screen into my work space when we chat, even though she currently lives in the Arabian world while I’m sitting in good old Europe and there are thousands of kilometers separating us! Since she is so fabulous and inspiring I thought I write about her.
Not only does she have a creative and demanding job where she helps others, no, she also has a family to look after at the same time. I checked out all her profile pictures and was more than startled when this drop dead gorgeous woman told me that she was almost 50!!! Looking at her pictures I thought she’d be maximum in her mid 30s ...
I had to know her secret!!! And again I couldn’t believe the simplicity of her answers: she doesn’t smoke, meditates and sticks to natural beauty tips from her mother! She lives a simple and happy life. That’s it, as easy as that!
I pressed her to share some of those obviously magic tricks her mother passed on to her:
When you wake up, take a small piece of Banana and rub it on your face – it is rich in vitamins and antioxidants!
Take coconut milk and oats, mix it 2:1, i.e. 1 tsp of coconut milk and half tsp of oats with one string of saffron and a few drops of honey and make a paste. Put it on your face. It works as a scrub plus moisturizer in one go. Once dry, wash it off with cold water and a few drops of rose water.
After every meal, drink hot water with a slice of orange, small piece of ginger, one small piece of lemon grass, if you like mint then add it for flavor and some honey, if you like it sweet. This drink detoxes, strengthens your immune system, works well for digestion and makes you feel light – in two words: pure magic! She drinks at least 5 big mugs of this, mainly after meals. If you don’t have access to all these ingredients, then just drink lukewarm water after every meal.
Have six meals in small portions and do not eat after 7 p.m. the latest. Have lots of veggies and very less red meat and chicken, rather replace it with fish or eggs.
Exercise every other day with weights, a bit of cardio, go for yoga and dancing classes … If you are too lazy for this regime like me, here is what I do: I walk briskly wherever I can and take all stairs instead of the lift or escalator … Of course this is not as effective but it’s a start :o)
Stay happy, meditate, chant and be positive. Always believe in your instincts and do what you feel is going to make you happy!
Those new tips now incorporated into my beauty regime I then asked myself: What defines a happy life? How do you achieve happiness? Is there a formula? What makes me happy?
I spent quite some time contemplating these questions and the conclusions I came to (work still in progress) so far are:
Stop looking for perfection all the time – it is an illusion that doesn’t exist! Sure there are perfect moments, the perfect outfit, the perfect new pair of MiuMiu shoes, but to keep this perfection going would be way too exhausting and get boring after a while.
I listed things I’m grateful for like: people I`m blessed to know (and this list is growing!!!), things that surround me which I enjoy, talents I’ve got, books that inspire me, etc. Once you start it grows every day
Don’t fight the system, but go with the flow. There is no point in getting worked up over things that didn’t go the way you wanted them to although you gave it your very best – lots of times you find out afterwards that it was for the better in the first place.
Dream, dream, dream!!! Some years ago I started to write down everything I wanted: places to visit, material things, projects I thought were fun or a challenge, etc. I put every wish on a separate card and stored it in a beautiful box. Then I forgot all about it and only re-discovered it when I moved house in spring and opened it. I was stunned to realize that most of my wishes had come true and lots of them were even by far exceeded! Some are still waiting in mentioned box to be fulfilled, some got added ….
Stop planning too much in detail – life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans. By all means do make plan A and B for your life but if for some reason neither works out, stay open for new opportunities to find you!
Take care of problems only if they actually arise because most things we worry about so much never even materialize anyway! I was once told that the biggest thieves of time are worries about the past & future and I find this to be very true. Living in the present, ‘now and here’, really did change my life. I enjoy every moment.
If you have your own secrets on beauty & happiness please do leave some comments so we can all profit from them :o)
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