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   Mars & Venus  
Today I read an article in ‘Cosmopolitan’ basically crucifying John Gray’s theory that men and women are from different planets. It went on and on how this idea of his puts us poor women basically back not only into the Middle Ages but the Stone Age … Although I definitely don’t think that we actually do come from  different planets I still have to defend Mr. Gray. We definitely in some areas of life do speak completely different languages. How come otherwise that my husband – one of the most intelligent people I ever came across of – will never understand my necessity of owning a minimum of 15 pairs of different pink shoes?!! No amount of explaining to him will ever make him understand, much less see that no, baby pink, fuchsia, hot pink, salmon, apricot, magenta, etc are actually not the same color and no, my shoes are not all the same since some are peep toes, sling backs, classic pumps, ankle boots, Mary Janes, in normal leather, patent, suede, metallic and so on!
On the other hand I will never get into the finesse of cars. To me they are simply means to get me from A to B, possibly reasonably safe. For me the idea of choosing a car basically means I look out for a cute shape and a nice color, I check that this thing has all its four wheels, a steering wheel and a CD-player. By now I learned enough of that foreign male language to also know that having a couple horse powers under your hood is a good thing but that’s about as far as my car knowledge will ever go!
And why should any of us try to become an expert on things that don’t come to us naturally? Isn’t it great that we have our strong points in different areas? Shouldn’t we celebrate it instead of competing?!!
Ok, I’m aware that any feminist will attack me for this statement, but I really do strongly believe in the division of male and female roles. They have been around since the beginning of time and have worked out! Only since feminists went into battle, men don’t feel required to open doors or help us into our coats anymore. And what else have they achieved?! Downtown major cities cobble stone still dominates so we ruin every pair of heeled shoes the latest by the second time we wear them. AND we still have to work doubly as hard to earn half as much AND it’s still easier for a man to find a job worth having than for a woman.
To be fair to all employers: Let’s say you have a small business and you’re given the choice of two equally qualified candidates to fill your vacancy with. They are both 35, just married and without kids. One is a man and the other a woman. Whom would you give the job to? The guy who is in full ‘let me provide well for my new family’ swing or the woman who even you think the little tick-tack sound in the background is her clock ticking to start a family? Be honest!
Isn’t it time we stop always focusing on the disadvantages of being a woman and start celebrating our richness of choice? I for one would never want to be a man!!! What choices do they have?  A woman can wear anything she wants, she can re-invent her style as often as she pleases and basically her imagination is her limit.
Even if you spend most of your waking hours in corporate life … men have the choice of suit or suit with the possible variety of a color range in dark blue, grey, charcoal and not much else, shirts in white or pastel shades. And yes, the area of creativity also exists for them in the form of the rope they have to wear around their necks: the tie. For us women corporate life also somewhat restricts our fashion expression BUT we still do have some REAL choices in comparison. It starts from the possibilities of our hairstyle: long, short, curly, straight, down, done up and almost any color will be accepted. Suits leave a much wider choice of color, shape, cut, pants or skirt and there is always the creative way out from all of us having to look alike: jewelry and accessories! The possibility of wearing makeup also provides some real advantages: for example if we have a pimple and we simply cover it up as if it never existed in the first place :o) Now talking about the discrepancy in freedom of choice between men and women outside the corporate world I think doesn’t even need any much further exploration.
Just yesterday I went for an evening walk with my husband – the temperature was glacial. I was wrapped up warmly in my inherited mink coat and he had no choice other than sporting a couple of sweaters on top of each other and his cashmere coat in order to feel halfway warm enough. Given that all the great choices of adornment are basically reserved to women (furs, jewelry, makeup, shoes, etc.) – I ask you girls: WHO would want to trade?!
Why don’t we realize how great life can be once we make friends with the  other gender again and learn afresh how wonderful life can be if we complement each other?

posted by CAT ANGELINA | 12:07 | fashioncoach

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[ Posted by Lauren, March 03, 2010 17:25 ]
     I really enjoyed reading this story and love being a woman!!!!


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